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New Year Eve – 2017

Allan gifted me a stay at the JM Marriott, in Pune India for New Year Eve. My room was on the 18th floor with a large window that offered a Panoramic view of an area of Pune.

I went down to the ball room at 11:15 pm that offered food, drink and music. All the music had a driving base beat. I was hoping to see Bollywood dancers but what was on the main stage and on small stages were scantly clad skinny white girls that could not dance to the beat and moved around trying to be sexy – which they were not – I was embarrassed for them. I stood on the edge of the room between two of the small stages and noticed that the women there looked away and the few brave men that took photos did so as not to be noticed.

The count down was anti-climate. I went up to my room to see the fireworks from my big window – there were none. Well that is not true. There came a one burst – I assume from a private person – and that was it. I did hear the sound of a few cracks of celebratory firecrackers from a distance. I was disappointed until remembered that in India their New Year is celebrated during Diwali which this year was Oct. 19th.

My hotel room was what I enjoyed the most. The bed was luxurious. I spent most of my time in it. The regular bed mattresses are futon thin and too hard for my round body. I need a mattress that give in to my roundness. When I sank down into my bed with it wonderful sheets, pillows and duvet I was in heaven. I did not realize how much tension I was holding. When I first laid down I felt my stiffness melt. I settled into that bed like warm chocolate on a hot day. This was the greatest gift Allan could have given me. What a way to set up 2018. I am ready to take it on.

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